Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Row, Row, Row Your Boat!

Speaking of flooding, we survived Tropical Storm Fay last weekend. This was our introduction to local Florida weather. We have lived in and through tornado country, earthquake country and now tropical storm/ hurricane country. Two solid days of rain, wind and staying home! No work! Yeah! We also had house guests. My sister and her two boys were on their way to the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas via Jacksonville. She wanted to see her relatives. We had planned only a dinner with her, but ended up hosting her for two days. All the flights were cancelled and they had no way to get to the land of sunshine, white sand beaches and waterslides. But, being the hospitable folks that we are, we made the best of a wet situation and had a very good time. Talking, playing games, eating and watching the Olympics (at least when the Direct TV worked, which was more often than I had initially thought).

Having not seen my sister in a couple of years, it was good to catch up and fill in the blanks from so much time that has passed under the bridge of my life. Rebuilding the past through conversation and from memory has the tendency to give one pause and play the "W\hat If?" mind game.

"What if I hadn't moved from California?"
" What if I had made a different career choice?"
"What if I had not gotten mad at God and decided to follow Him instead of following me and moving in a different direction?"
"What if Steve Bartman hadn't caught that foul ball and the Cubs made it to the World Series instead of imploding?"

What If?

I find that, more often than not, my backwards navel gazing only stirs up trouble and pain and usually provides me with no more insight than if I just continue to look forward. "Press towards the goal for the prize of the high call of God." Phil. 3:14. I mean, all the "What If's" in the world can't change where I have been, or what I have seen or what I have missed or who I could have been. Each day brings me more revelation of the mercy and grace of God in my life. Each day I am remided of my frailness and need for a greater portion of God in my everyday existance. How thankful I am that He has not forgotten me or cancelled my place in the heavenlies. Lord knows He would be justified in doing so.


He is loving and paitent and kind and forgiving. He keeps no record of my wrongs or missteps. He always surrounds me with mercy and grace. He do not give up on me.

Flooding has a way of reminding us that He has a way of cleansing and refreshing and replenishing. "His mercies are new every morning." As I work my way through my Daily Office I am constantly reminded of all these things. His Word seem to cover so many areas of my life. The more I read, the more of Him I am priviliged to see.

So, Don't Look Back. While it is a great song by the band Boston and is OK to listen to , Dont Look Back on your past and say "What if?" Make the most of This Day!

Looking Forward (with tiny peeks back)

1 comment:

metanoia said...

"Don't look back." Great advice. Seems like I heard the Apostle Paul make a similar statement.

"Backward navel gazing"? Ouch! that sounds painful.

And you had to bring up Steve Bartman, didn't you. :)

Thanks for getting back to the blog.