Friday, September 5, 2008

Am I missing something?

This past couple of weeks, much time has been spent in watching both the Republican and Democrat National Conventions. I have listened to many pundits spew both wisdom and ignorance concerning both parties and all the candidates.

This is what I consider myself:
1. A Christian
2. A Conservative
3. A Republican

In that order.

As a staunch Republican, my Conservatism is a product of my Christian belief system and faith. I attempt to make all my decisions through the lens of my Christian belief system, not my Republicanism. I mean, what is being a Republican all about?
Is it about love of country or patriotism?
Is it about greater individual freedoms and restraints?
Does it concern the size of government or less taxes?
Is it about putting in judges who don't legislate from the bench?

Yes, it is about all these things and more. But true Republicanism is more about what it is based on. Where did the founding fathers get their ideas for this "noble experiment?"
Why the Bible, of course!
Not that you will hear that in any public school these days, but that is the truth of the matter. What we believe as Republicans is directly tied to the tenets found in the Scriptures. Yet, we seem to have lost our way, politically, morally and foundationaly. Rarely do you hear politicians of any stripe use the Bible as basis for any speech, piece of legislation, or position. We seem to have forgotten our roots, our place of birth, our cornerstone.
Some of us need to revisit the place of forging, where hammer and tongs created our great democracy.
A good starting place of refreshing is "The Light and The Glory" by Peter Marshall and David Manuel, followed up by the sequel "From Sea to Shining Sea." These two books help to reorient us to our national, biblical foundations, the whys and hows of this nation. The authors are Christian men who put pen to paper, less we forget. Dig the books up, share them with your children, less they forget.

Concerning the two demotivational pics at the top of the post: Having watched some of the Democratic National Convention, those two words ring loud and clear: Elitism and Cluelessness.
Both the leadership and the followers just don't get it. Hollow platitudes and pandering to special interests, the struggle for power and the willful deception of the masses seems to sum up my feelings about the DNC.
It reminds me of the saying, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with B.S."
Elitism comes screaming through at each campaign stop and Cluelessness is what is the masses exude. People are so desperate for leadership and truth, righteousness and honesty, they will grasp at any Hollywood-esqe attempt at genuineness. People are gullible and easily led astray. There is a reason the Bible calls people "sheep." "Sheeple!"

Fortunately, I am led by a Shepherd. I hear and know his voice. He calls me and I follow. He leads me to green pastures and cool water. He restores my soul.

Do you recognise His voice and leading? I pray that during this election season, His Word will be a guide to your voting process.

Hoping for no hanging chads!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Checking to see if this works.