Monday, October 13, 2008

What was I thinking? - Part 2

I always appreciate the comments that others leave in response to my blog. And sometimes its important to pass them on. These two arrived today and I thought posting them would be helpful and instructive. They come from 2 different parts of our great land, the first from Richard in the swamps of Georgia and the second from Margot in the Pacific Northwest. Thanks for your sage comments.

Excellent Post Bro, Appreciate the charactered candor. I hope your readers will follow your insightful anaysis. A wise man learns from experience-A wiser man learns from someone else's!

Hi Jeff,
I too got duped into seeing the Dark Knight. I came home so mad and up set it took me most of what was left of the evening to settle down. I based my decision on going on the previous Bat Man movies. What I ended up seeing was 2.5 hours of non stop senseless violence. As if violence ever really makes sense. The violence in this movie was not violence with even a motive but simply for the sake of destruction. This film was unbelievably dark.

So as I searched my heart to see if there was anything of redeeming value as a result of that experience. All I could come up with was that it was a wake up call for how dark our world has become. We as believers need to burn much brighter.

"All that's necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

It is time to be out shining the light of the gospel on every street corner. We have been too busy shining our lights at each other.

If this film does anything I hope that what the enemy meant for our destruction will turn out for our good. In that those unfortunate believers who had to witness the evil of this movie would wake up to the fact that our enemy is not flesh and blood but powers and principalities intent on destruction.

We need to wake up - no matter what end time scenario you choose to hold to the hour grows late and our lives are only a pittance of years. It is our personal end times. What will we do with our years for the glory of our Lord and King? Will we have oil in our lamps when the Bride Groom comes? Will he find us faithful?

For me, after repenting for not walking out after the first 15 minutes and subjecting myself to the entire movie. After I calmed down and turned to God in prayer with humble repentant heart.
I came to the conclusion that I needed to ask God to turn up the fire in my life. How easy it is to be lulled to sleep or to be carried away by all the distractions and things of this life. We have become desensitized to the evil running rampant in our land. Truly we need to allow the Lord to shake us up.

2 Chronicles 7:14
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

It is time to wear out our knees!

Kudos Jeff for speaking out on this one.

Posted by Margot to A Wandering Traveler at October 12, 2008 10:00

Grateful for other travelers.

1 comment:

Barb Meyer said...

Hi Jeff,
Actually I didn't go see Dark Knight. I actually didn't see the first Batman movie -- and made my son very angry at me because I would not let him see it. (He was 4 or 5 at the time.) This was my criterion: Good guys must be clearly good, and they must win in the end. Bad guys must be bad and they must loose in the end. My struggle with the Batman saga began with the first movie: Batman was more than just a complex literary figure who was conflicted ~ he was a man who gave room to darkness because he was consumed with bitterness. Though he was on the "good-guy" side, he was bitter and dark because of his unforgiveness. I think all the movies have been dark -- they simply got darker and darker. It is one thing to have a movie where a character struggles to overcome a flaw or a situation where his character must examine dark motives or issues, but where he chooses "light". For me that was never the case with the Batman saga. In the movies, Batman may overcome evil bad guys, but he never seems to overcome his own issues, really. Am I wrong? So...I am not even a little surprized that they (thoses who made these movies) focused on the Joker the way they did. It is sad, but for me...well, I kind-of saw it coming. This is not -- though I realize as I re-read what I wrote -- a "you should have known" or an "I told you so" comment. I think as Christians we stand in light and we can see things that the world really really cannot see. They are in the darkness and are facinated by it ~ increasingly. My heart is for Christians to connect to the Creator of the Universe, and bring excellent creativity to the media. There are wonderful and uplifting stories for us to tell -- like, for example -- Tolkien did with the Lord of the Rings. I am praying that more and more Christians choose excellence and begin to make movies. Stories clearly have so much power -- we can use them to pour truth and light into the heart of the world. They really really want to be entertained. Sad that we bring so little to the table. Perhaps if we did, even the world would stop choosing movies like the Dark Knight.