Monday, November 10, 2008

Addendum to "Thoughts on the "The Election"

I have received a number of comments on my last post about the election. Perhaps some clarification is needed.

I in no way want it to be construed that I am not thinking this election through, only responding from anger and disappointment. I am using the lens of my christian worldview.

Yes, I believe that God is still on the throne.
Yes I believe that the the heart of kings are in the Hand of God.
Yes, I believe that this is may be a time of shaking and sifting in our collective national soul.

While I am not shaken as a Christian and my spiritual foundations remain strong and steady, I am angry as a voter, a Republican, a Conservative, a father and a citizen of both Heaven and Earth.

My friend, the Really, Righteous, Rev. Hanner had a recent post on where the statistic cited was that less that 1/3 of our nation considered themselves "church goers." And this was in 2001! Imagine what it is today. We are witnessing the steady erosion of our cultural and spiritual morals. And the tide isn't turning in our direction. This is evidenced by the outcome of the recent Presidential election. Our country is shifting to the left, dragging the center and Right with it.

And the Right continues to get smaller and less effective.

I know that in the end, it doesn't matter. God's will will be done. But I just don't feel like joining in and celebrating the Democratic victory. However long God tarries, I still must make account for what I do during the time and in the space I occupy. I am still to be salt and light in a dying and darkening world.

Sunday in church, the New Testament reading was the passage about the 10 wise and 10 foolish virgins. I pray that I will do my utmost to keep my lamp full, ever watchful and ready for his return. I will continue to possess the land that I am in and, though I may sometimes complain and holler, I will continue to pray and be a faithful witness and keep to my place in the wall!

Look Busy! Jesus is coming!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thoughts on "The Election"

With the sting of defeat still resonating in the depths of my being, I thought now would be a good time to put thoughts to blog posting. I have posted 4 pictures this time instead of the normal 1. Take a moment to re-read them and let the sentiments sink into your conscienceness.

They sum up what I feel.

I do not look forward to the changes that this new administration and congress will impose upon the nation. I believe that we find ourselves in this position because of what my side, the Republicans, failed to do during the 8 years of the Bush administration. Admittedly, we were somewhat distracted by the war in Iraq, but we failed to do anything about taxes, Social Security, immigration and the border, the drug trade and jobs going overseas. And now it will be many years before we get that chance again.

We lost because our leaders abandoned Conservatism. We didn't, in the words known in Texas, "Dance with the one who brung you." We allowed ourselves, once again, to get sidetracked with the notions of fairness and being liked by the Left and the media. We have forgotten that no matter what we do as Conservatives, we will never be accepted or liked by the Left. They stand opposed to all that we believe in and base our principles on. We pandered to the Left's desire for unity, forgetting that their notions of "Unity" consists of me forgetting and leaving behind all of my Conservatism and becoming a Democratic Leftist. Being popular is more important that being right.

Which brings me to my next point. Having clear policies and a real understanding of government and leading is not a requirement for being POTUS (President of The United States). Because of the ignorance and shallowness of many of the voters in our country, Style won over Substance. Promising that " 95% of Americans will pay no taxes" still seems to be as effective as "a chicken in every pot" did a few decades ago. Our culture, accustomed to handouts of any kind, seemed loathed to bite the hand that feeds it. Rather, it just voted to continue the culture of corruption, big government and higher taxes with the belief that Government, not hard work and lower taxes, is the answer to the problem.

Many on the Left and some on the Right, on the day after the coronation of the Messiah, His Majesty Barak, gave forth the clarion call for all to come together and work for the common good.
I, for one, have no interest in "Unity" for Unity's sake. How can I "come together" and support those whose policies I vehemently opposed during the election? Just because the Democrats won does not mean that I agree with them on anything. I didn't before and I still don't now. If that makes me a sore loser, then so be it. I cannot join with them in the propagation of abortion, gay marriage, higher taxes, greater government intrusion, less privacy, decreased religion freedom and a weaker military

Which begs the question. Must I be a gracious and compliant loser?

NO! And again I say, NO! I must not lie down and take the beating the Left feels I rightly deserve. I say NO to the spread of Socialism in my country. I say NO to the abandonment of Reagan and Conservatism. 57 million voters said NO at the polls. I was one of them. I will continue to stand for the principles that made this country great and I will trumpet the values, both Biblical and governmental, which make this the greatest nation on God's green earth. I will pray and study and be ready for mid-term elections in '10 and to cast my vote again in 2012 for real "Change."

Will you be ready?

Still smarting from the Chicago-style mob whacking!