Monday, November 10, 2008

Addendum to "Thoughts on the "The Election"

I have received a number of comments on my last post about the election. Perhaps some clarification is needed.

I in no way want it to be construed that I am not thinking this election through, only responding from anger and disappointment. I am using the lens of my christian worldview.

Yes, I believe that God is still on the throne.
Yes I believe that the the heart of kings are in the Hand of God.
Yes, I believe that this is may be a time of shaking and sifting in our collective national soul.

While I am not shaken as a Christian and my spiritual foundations remain strong and steady, I am angry as a voter, a Republican, a Conservative, a father and a citizen of both Heaven and Earth.

My friend, the Really, Righteous, Rev. Hanner had a recent post on where the statistic cited was that less that 1/3 of our nation considered themselves "church goers." And this was in 2001! Imagine what it is today. We are witnessing the steady erosion of our cultural and spiritual morals. And the tide isn't turning in our direction. This is evidenced by the outcome of the recent Presidential election. Our country is shifting to the left, dragging the center and Right with it.

And the Right continues to get smaller and less effective.

I know that in the end, it doesn't matter. God's will will be done. But I just don't feel like joining in and celebrating the Democratic victory. However long God tarries, I still must make account for what I do during the time and in the space I occupy. I am still to be salt and light in a dying and darkening world.

Sunday in church, the New Testament reading was the passage about the 10 wise and 10 foolish virgins. I pray that I will do my utmost to keep my lamp full, ever watchful and ready for his return. I will continue to possess the land that I am in and, though I may sometimes complain and holler, I will continue to pray and be a faithful witness and keep to my place in the wall!

Look Busy! Jesus is coming!

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