Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Consuming Beauty

While traveling home from a job in the panhandle of Florida, I was listening to my ever-present and trusty companion, my iPod. As my thumb was a blur on the click wheel, I happened to stop on and listen to a song by Stevie Nick called Trouble in Shangrai-La. Now before you condemn me for my choice of music, at least have the good grace to read my post, leave a comment then condemn me for my taste in music. Deal?

One line of the song said this:
"You can consume all the beauty in the room, baby. I know you can. I've seen you do it."

No matter how many times I listen to this song, that phrase always strikes me and always sets me to thinking down the same well-traveled path.

Am I like that?

Do I come waltzing into a room and, like a black hole in space, suck all the life and beauty from it?
Does the chatter quiet down, gazes avert and subjects change?
Do smiles seem genuine or contrived?
Does my personality overwhelm others and change the chemistry and makeup in the room?
Do the lights of others dim upon my arrival? (And by that I don't mean that my light is brighter or better).

We all know people like that. An old room-mate, a high-school acquaintance, a relative or fellow church member. It seems like they have that unique ability to blanket a room with pessimism, uncharitable comments and despair.

Or am I like a supernova or exploding star, expanding the universe of that particular room, filling it with life, conversation, brightness, laughter, hopefulness and the light of Christ.

I am, after all, called a "light of the world." Are others blinded by the light in me or burned by the flame in my life and want to snuff it out? Or are they drawn to it like a "moth to the flame."

Are others consumed by the resident love of God in my heart or are they consumed by my pettiness, gossip and prejudice?

I don't know that I have the answers.

Sometimes I feel like I am a beacon of truth and righteousness, the image of the Most High stamped on my visage. Sometimes I believe that the flawed and tarnished fallen me is on display, like a side show freak. People are simultaneously drawn and repelled. What will it take for them to see past the exterior to the place of peace that resides in my heart?

We all love the consuming power of a masterpiece of art or an enveloping cocoon of a brilliant musical score. We are moved to recognize the hand of the Almighty, whether or not that is intent of the artist.

All I can do is pray that my nature will be changed so that I will not be one who is consuming beauty but rather a purveyor of the beauty that consumes. That beauty is the love of Christ.

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 NKJV

More Beast than Beauty.


foutfolk said...

definitely more beast than beauty . . .

I am guilty. I think quite often I consume and others feel they are left in the dust. Attention, stories, experiences, ideas . . . whatever it is, it seems that what I am saying or doing dwarfs others and does not make them want to "shine bright." I need to focus a little more on being a good listener, and generating love and admiration toward God, and not Garth. :( Stop posting this type of stuff. (just kidding)

Q said...

Awesome notes Jeff. Really challenging me of late, so I might have to stop doing this blog stuff for self preservation!!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite verse!! No kidding! I love it so much in fact, that I made "Let your light shine" the theme in my Kindergarten classroom for the year because I felt like this is the basis for great character. Matt 5:16 was our class verse and eventually the kids would ask each other "Are you letting your light shine when you do that?" I used to love to watch them when they started to "get it." I felt like I was doing my job... Biblically and professionally.

As you know my OTHER nickname growing up was Sunshine and many have said throughout my life that I tend to shine. One friend even renamed me Tinker bell.
People would tell me "You are always so happy and cheerful and shiny!!" And most of the time I genuinely felt that way. However, truth be told, many times, when I was not walking with God the way I should, it was fake. On the inside I was a dark rain cloud that I tried to hide. But, glittery make-up can only cover and hide so much, for so long when my God light is out. Pretty soon the shine begin to fade. And my eyes, being a window to my soul would give my secret away.
People would then ask me... "Are you okay, what's wrong, are you sick, did someone hurt you, are you mad, did I do something?" The hardest part was when my Kindergartners or my own kids would want to know what was wrong... could they pray for me... what a great example I was being. Ouch!
When God is burning on the inside like he should - HIS light will radiate and people will notice the difference between you just trying to "consume the room" or share the "all consuming fire." When your true hearts desire is really his, you will be able to share HIM and HIS love with your words, actions and the shine on your face. People can feel the difference, see the difference and when they see his true light, they will be drawn to it, to you, wanting you to share the light with them and not even noticing that it is HIS beauty that is filling the room... and everyone will leave feeling a little warmer and brighter. No guilt, no shame... no condo no bondo, becuse none is needed... you did what we are called to to...
"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 NKJV

BTW - I know of several songs that will encourage you in this area so that you can quit listening to and being condemned by Stevie Nicks. I will make you a disk.

~ Let Your Light Shine by Hillsong Kids
~ Joy by Tree63
~ This Little Light of Mine (visit your local children's church)
~ All Consuming Fire Kim Walker
~ Burn for You - Toby Mac
... I could go on...

Thank you for “Shining” on me! I love you!

Sunshine aka Cat

Barb Meyer said...

On thing that light does it make it possible to see things -- when something is in the light, you don't see the light, you see what it shines on. Light gives OTHER THINGS beauty and clarity. Your blog does make me ponder. Wow! So -- is there some thing like "anti-light" that isn't darkness, but draws attention to itself, as your song line illustrates. Scarier than darkness in a way ---
and...what do you do to START a blog? I am pondering starting one in the New Year.

Barb Meyer said...

and...you are one of the most musically literate people I know (I still remember you killing all of us with that music trivia game at Layne's Birthday Party) I love how you use everything to ponder and go deep.