Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stale-Like a bag of opened chips.

I recently chided a good blogger friend about the state of his blog. It had not been updated in quite a while. His blog was crying out for some attention. And fortunately, he watered it with some excellent words. I, in my state of pridefulness, failed to realize that I was guilty of the same-said inattention. He rightly said that my blog was a little "stale." How correct he is. I have, over the last 4 weeks, been very busy and had a number of excellent ideas to blog on. But I failed in putting any of them in written form. And sure enough, I cannot remember a single topic that I found so scintillating. So before I decide, again, that I have nothing to say, I'll say the following.

I must be more conscious of doing now what I usually end up doing later or not at all. I am a procrastinator by nature and have not been doing a good job lately of "killing the old man." My intentions are the noblest and pure yet the results are unrecognizable and non-existent. I do that which I don't want to do and don't do what I ought. I recognize myself in the 7th chapter of Romans. Although we are talking about my blog, in reality we are skirting around the issues of my life.

Do you ever wish you were someone else? The one who is always on time, the one who is the best dresser, the one who's writing is flawless, the one who's life seems to be perfectly aligned with the world and God? That person is not me.

I know that I am flawed and unvarnished, a pot still on the Potter's wheel. Sometimes I wish that He would smash the pot and start again. I mean, can't he just add a little water and reshape me into a vessel for greater use? One who looks better and is more handsome? Does He really want to use me as I am?

While I know the answer, and so do you, this little bit of venting help me to see the perspective. He knows exactly what this vessel is made for, what it's uses are and what are it's strengths and limitations. And He still wants to use me. Amazing! It is I who must learn to be content in all things, I who must see the good in this vessel, I who must trust the purposes of the Master Potter. It is He who has made me and not me myself.

Does the pot say to the Potter, " Do you think it time for a Do-Over?"

I only get one shot in this lifetime. I must use what was given to me to the best of my abilities, and beyond with His abilities and Spirit. I must not complain, chafe at the bit in my mouth or allow my joy to be robbed. I can do all things in Him, who strengthens me.

Let the Spirit refresh your spirit and blow away any staleness.
Keep your chin up! And your knees on the ground.

Watching for flying mud!


Shannon said...

So... this to date, is my favorite blog! You stole my inner most thoughts and put your words to them. :)
Jeff, you were made to Worship. Everything you do is suppose to be worship to him. I see your best worship... in the way you love and serve your wife, how you are raising your daughters, how you love and encourage your nephews... me. (BTW - I LOVE how you always tell them "Your a good boy"), I see it when you listen intently to a stranger who needed an ear, a friend - and then you put aside your pride and open your mouth to share what God has shown you in our own life. I see it in the ways you serve (many) others and make them feel welcome in your home... and out. I see it in your blog... your words and thoughts.
No, you don't have it all right... but you don't have it all wrong! Keep growing on the stuff you do "get" right and when you are about 105, maybe you'll be closer to getting it ALL!
I love you and I am proud to call you my imperfect brother... cause it makes me look better... J/J!

P.S I miss you... and your girls - I think it's about time for those Pho noodles...FoShizzle!

Shannon said...

P.S. I don't think you ever procrastinate eating - you got that down! So every time you feel like putting something off (like cleaning the garage)... pretend it is food and tackle it with a quickness - then reward yourself with a ginormous Sushi dinner! Problem solved!!!

metanoia said...

Best post so far. I'm glad I "motivated" you. Now I'm the one with the stale blog. :)

foutfolk said...

It's clay . . . not mud that flies on the wheel silly.

I am enjoying the transformation and the transparency. God has done, as is doing, a great work in you Jeff.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jeff -- good post. Thanks for sharing.