Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day One of My Blogging Life

Today marks the beginning of my blogging life. I have, for quite a long time, wanted to start a blog. But for many reasons, I have not availed myself of this particular avenue. Sometimes I feel that I have lots of things to say or at least put in print. Gentle musings, strongly worded rants, words of encouragement or prayers of thanks. I view this journey as a type of catharsis or purging of my soul of the myriad thoughts that I have each and every day. I would like to think that this blog will become a magnet for millions, a place for other wandering travelers to find a word or two to quench the longing in their souls. But maybe I'm just having delusions of grandeur as I stand on the precipice of blogdom, ready to throw myself and my soul over the side of the chasm. Before I take the plunge, a word of thanks is in order. Three people deserve credit (or maybe blame) for this blog:
1) Garth Fout - he of the Foutfolk blog and friend of many years, has drawn me into the blogging world. To read of others travels and adventures brings laughter, a sage nodding of the head in agreement and somewhat bemused astonishment at their journey into an organic, self sustaining lifestyle. More power to ya, bro!
2)The Really Righteous Reverend Richard Hanner - One who is so full of a great many thoughts and opinions that if he didn't start to blog a while ago, i was convinced he would explode from being so full of wisdom, bluster, righteous anger and indignation. Keep up the good work on Antagoniz of keeping us in the pews informed and filled with correctly directed indignation ourselves.
3) J L Rivera - the newest of my friends, one who has trod the blogging highways and byways for many a year now in his Jawbone of a Pastor blog. Your life's journey has inspired me and causes me to reexamine what I believe and why and gives me graspable handles and a pallet of many colors from which to draw inspiration and pattern for my own life's canvas. Having said that, i do, however question his loyalty to a certain baseball team whose losing ways are the stuff of legends. But that's OK. There is always next year!

So there, this is my first of hopefully many posts of stuff that I want to say.

Peace on the Journey!

1 comment:

metanoia said...

Welcome to the blogosphere. I'm looking forward to what is in that brain and spirit of yours.

Thanks for the link to my blog. I hope any of your friends who decide to click on that link won't hold it against you. :)

Oh and btw, this year is next year. GO CUBS!