Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day Two of My Blogging Life - Cont

Taking a cue from my friend JL’s blog, Jawbone of a Pastor, I have decided to write my testimony in a number of parts and in numerous blog postings. I feel that this will be a good starting place for a number of reasons:

1.) Because I want to. I am King of My Blog.

2.) It will be good for me to revisit my past and compile thoughts and timelines about my travels on this earth. The Scriptures tell us that when the Israelites had crossed the Jordan river into the Promise Land, they built monuments as they traveled to remind themselves of the faithfulness of God to them and so the all the people of the earth would know the hand of the Lord was mighty. (see Joshua 4). God has indeed been faithful to me, tho I have been faithless. The monuments in my life will help me to realign my future with my past and remind me of the Love and Hand of God in and along my wandering travels.

3.) This will be a labor of love for my girls, who will one day want to know the how’s and why’s of my life’s journeys. It will save me time because it could take me hours to tell it and they already think I give them too much information when they ask the simplest of questions. “Just get to the POINT, Dad!” I’ll just point them to my blog. When they have read it and have given to me a 5-page report, doubled spaced and spell checked with 1” margins that contains a synopsis of my life, then we will discuss it and their questions over guava pastries and little tiny cups of piping hot Cuban coffee, oh so sweet and with the crema on top.

Peace on the Journey!

1 comment:

metanoia said...


I see you are fond of one of my favorite websites,

I'm looking forward to reading your story. Any chance I can get in on the guava pastries and little cups of Cuban coffee? :)