Sunday, July 13, 2008

Art Upon My Soul

Now while you expect to open your email each day and see an email from me informing you of a new blog posting, the truth of the matter is this. No matter how much I like this new found blogging, daily postings are simply out of the question. My time and savory thoughts are too precious and rare to dispense in such a cavalier fashion. My only hope for you is that you will learn to take my blog in measured doses so as to savor, prolong and heighten the reading experience. Onto some housekeeping comments.

A few of you have asked about the picture at the top of my blog. It is an brilliant, untitled piece by an up and coming artist. Me. I did this back in 2005 while painting with my children. I enjoyed the process very much and don't know why I haven't continued my painting. I feel very passionate about art, love it very much and wish I had more talent in that arena. Truth be told, I don't know what type of talent I have because I have never expended much effort in the area of art. I tell myself all the time, "Self, you need to get a set of brushes, some paint and a canvas and go to work." But time, money, laziness and daily life intrudes on every decision I make. And since it is not a priority, it gets shelved until the next time I visit an art museum and become inspired by the great masters and find myself drawn into a magnificent piece. I am transported by the colors, the textures, the context and the perspective. Great art stirs something in my soul, giving me pause in my daily grey scale life and it pushes buttons in me. Art causes me to look inside myself and forces me to look outside at the world around through their canvases. It puts filters on my eyes though which I am able to see a different perspective, one that I hadn't though of before.
At least for time, I see life differently. Art breathes the passion for life into my weary, modern day soul. The longing for a purer time, a greater vision, or an exotic place. The dew on a flower petal, the smell of gunpowder, the tear on a cheek resonated deeply in my being. Art draws upon me sensitivity and compassion, longing and hope, wistfulness and melancholy. It creates in me a greater sensitivity to the world around me. Art causes me to recognize the Hand of Almighty on the artist, his canvas and his subject. We are merely shadows and blank slates, waiting for the Master to paint His plan across out lives. All because I love art.

Peace on the journey!
Traveler (and occasionally, Painter)


metanoia said...

If you haven't framed that painting yet, it would look great on a wall somewhere.

I'm not artistic in that sense. I couldn't draw stick figures if my life depended on it. But, I love art. An afternoon at the Art Institute in Chicago would bring out a peacefulness that would last for a couple of days.

Pick up the brushes. It's like blogging, you don't have to do it every day. Just paint when you have something to say.

Shannon said...

Funny, I was thinking today - well the new and excited, passionate traveler has already fizzled out in his blogging adventure. So I came to reread your past posts and there right before my eyes - the answer to my wondering... what are you a mind reader now too?
However, I guess your little ploy worked because you had peaked my interest and I wanted more.
Ha Ha

I will never forget the time you took me to the Cummer Art Museum - you introduced me to Art and I remember you being passionate about it back then - explaining the pieces to me and the relevance of each - I just thought you were weird - but now that I am older... I KNOW you are weird and you have just gotten worse!!!!!!!!

Just kidding - that was a great day and I love your passion and musings... and you! Keep wandering - I love living vicariously through you!


Anonymous said...

People should read this.