Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day Two of My Blogging Life

I was unaware how much fun this would be or how time consuming. Deciding what to include on my blog, what pictures, what to say, dealing with comments and emails, both good and bad. I have yet to decide on the nature or course of this blog. I can't seem to decide if it should be full of wisdom and pity comments or just me blathering on about things only I find interesting or noteworthy. Maybe my direction will come in time. So I think for now I'll just enjoy the journey and see where it takes me. Kinda like being on an inner tube, floating lazily down the river, not sure what is around the next bend. "Could it be a placid stretch of tranquil water or a harrowing descent into a turbulent maelstrom of rapids and rocks?" Will I become the bear or the salmon? Weeeeeeee shall see!
Peace on the Journey!

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